Business to CONSUMER
You target individuals as ideal customers.
Business Solutions for B2C
Got a business challenge? We can help.
At OneZone, we know that one size does not fit all. That’s why OneZone membership includes access to benefits that provide the value your company and all of your employees need.
Take a look. Then let OneZone be the “go to” commerce connector for your business success.
You Need...
To connect face-to-face with potential customers and clients.
OneZone provides events that match your goals all year long.
Business After Hours & Network Breakfasts.
Young Professional After Hours & Leadership Series.
Golf Classic & TopGolf Tourney.
Monthly Luncheons & Women in Business Breakfast.
Business Expos & REACH groups.
Ribbon Cuttings.
You Need...
To be visible in the marketplace.
OneZone provides marketing tools that make it easy for you to be seen.
Boost your Business Directory profile with social media links.
Hold a Ribbon Cutting for your new business.
Post coupons, events and news releases online.
Be a sponsor or promote yourself with a display at events.
Reach fellow members with our member mailing list.
Serve on committees or as an ambassador alongside peers.
Apply for a OneZone business excellence award.
Use visibility benefits in your membership level.
You Need...
To find skilled employees.
OneZone provides tools and opportunities to help you staff your business.
Post open positions on our online job board.
Follow legislative action on workforce issues on our website.
Build relationships with young professionals & fellow members.
You Need...
To grow your business.
OneZone provides partners and opportunities for education, advice and leadership development.
SCORE provides advice, workshops, mentoring and resources for small businesses.
Business Ownership Initiative provides coaching, micro-lending and entrepreneurial resources.
Programs and events for young professionals prepare them for leadership roles in your company and the community.
You Need...
To know what’s happening in your city, county, state and get help with a regulatory or legislative challenge.
OneZone provides efforts that focus on the issues that impact your business.
Read “3 for Thursday” enews to stay informed.
Let us help with local government regulators, boards and committees when you need it.
Search for updates in our online Legislative Action Center.
Hear from your local legislators at our all-county Legislative Breakfast Series and mayors at state of the city addresses.
Count on us to advocate for your business on the local, county and state levels.
Join OneZone Today!
Apply online today or contact us today to learn more about how we are serve you.