Young Professionals
OneZone Young Professionals
Collaborate with other Young Professionals in leadership and networking opportunities -- from informal pop-up gatherings at local spots to events featuring Q&As with entrepreneurs and community leaders!
Grow Your Business Connections with YP
We get it ... You don't want to belong to one more group. You are busy. And you can't relate to someone who perhaps has been in the same job for 30 years. In an office.
But ... being involved with OneZone’s vibrant group of young professionals (YPs) is a great way to get to know other YPs in the area, develop leadership skills and explore ways to be involved with the chamber and the business community.
The group, run by a committee of young professional chamber members, is dedicated to connecting YPs under 40 through social networking, professional development, volunteerism and educational events.
We offer After Hours Networking and Lunch & Learn to Leadership Series in both Carmel and Fishers. Young Professionals are always welcome and encouraged to attend OneZone events, leading to more opportunities to connect and network with a new group of business people.