Small Business Roundtable

Supporting Small Businesses

About the OneZone Roundtables

In 2021 we hired Randy Wheeler with Wheeler Coach Systems to help facilitate our new OneZone Small Business Roundtables. The Roundtables meet the first and second Wednesday of the month. Any business interest in attending is required to commit to attending each month. The reason we keep the same 20 businesses in each group is to begin to create trust and comfort for our business leaders to open up. We currently have both groups filled. We are proud to now have 40 businesses in total committed and are in the process of adding two additional groups.

The format is an hour program where the first 30 minutes is dedicated to a leadership topic from Randy and then the final 30 minutes is Randy facilitating discussion around a topic the group is struggling with/having an issue in their business.

Quotes from attendees


"Wanted to take a quick minute and write my thanks for supporting the small business roundtables with Randy Wheeler. It’s been helpful for me to hear some of the successes and challenges experienced by other small business owners… too often I am connected into the insurance/State Farm world, and I fail to broaden my perspective… I’ve gotten some ideas that helped my business from these sessions and hope to continue to attend! Thanks again!"

"I’ve been finding Randy Wheeler’s small business roundtable to be a helpful and enjoyable group. I’ve attended the last two meetings and leave each with a solid plan to keep moving and improving our business. Thanks for hosting through OneZone."
"I feel the discussion and conversation on creating a Culture within our companies was worthwhile and helpful. The conversation made us think about our own organizations and I thought there was good dialog and interaction with those that attended."
"I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the opportunity to attend the Small Business Roundtable. It was comforting to discover that some of us have shared the same experiences while growing our companies. But even better, was our conversations on how we continue to grow, what should be our focus, what is most important. We were actually helping one another. Randy set the stage and we just had a great time!"

Interested in joining? Fill out the form today!

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