IWU Shares 2021 "Wins" From An Unusual Year
The first half of 2021 has certainly seen some difficult challenges, but also some promising breakthroughs for many of us. As employers and the workforce across the country continue finding ways forward, Indiana Wesleyan University is proud to share a few of those “wins” with the OneZone Chamber Community.
In April the Indy North Center welcomed candidates from The Catalyst, who began a pilot cohort through IWU’s Talent Ladder program. The partnership allows United States military service members to quickly translate skills acquired during their service into civilian workforce opportunities through micro-credentials. The Catalyst CEO, Daniel Hance, desired to find an education partner that could provide an encouraging and inspirational environment for these men and women to achieve their goals. IWU is honored to join Daniel and his team in creating this partnership.
Another encouraging development is the transition of IWU’s Graduate Counseling Center to our Indy North Center. Mental health and wellness are going to be a crucial part of community service and we are proud to do our part to help meet these growing needs. Completion of the new space is expected by July 1st, 2021. Whether you are interested in our degree programs, to become a licensed therapist, or if you need services, IWU is here for you.
Finally, we are hopeful for what the rest of this year will bring as we continue to develop relationships with leaders from churches and non-profit entities, innovators of K-12 education, and many other industry sectors. As more and more businesses are looking to address their workforce shortage and development challenges, or to gather their teams, IWU is ready to lend a hand.
We hope you’ll consider the value of our space, location, technology setup, amenities, and pricing structure as you begin to plan in-person events again. We look forward to working with you to design a cost-effective, encouraging, and beneficial experience for your team!
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